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(SST) ShlWAPI.pas Version 1.08 |
Developer Reference |
Tests the folder or file name component of a path for compliance with the Windows, long, file name format. |
Scope |
Global (i.e. this function can be called/accessed from code in any unit that includes/uses (SST)ShlWAPI.pas). |
Parameters | |
lpName [in] | Pointer to null terminated ANSI or Unicode string, that is the folder or file name to test. This string, including the terminating null character, should not exceed MAX_PATH (= 260) characters in length. |
Return Values |
If the length of the name portion of the input string is longer than 8 characters and/or the extension/suffix portion is longer than 3 characters, the function returns TRUE (= 1), otherwise FALSE (= 0). |
Remarks |
The function name is slightly misleading in that it suggests that the funcion processes an entire path string, from drive letter to (and including) the file suffix. Unfortunately, this is not the case (at all). Instead, the function only processes individual components (i.e. file/folder names) correctly. |
If the function is called with a parameter that consists of more than a single name (in- or excluding an extension), and/or it exceeds the DOS 8 + 3 restrictions, it seems to always return TRUE, irrespective of whether the string represents a path and file name in the DOS or LFN format. |
Apparently, the function treats characters that are invalid in DOS/Windows file/folder names as valid characters (i.e it does not perform a syntax check). |
Example |
PROCEDURE TForm4.TestShlWAPIPathIsLFNFileSpec(Sender : TObject); VAR pathtotest : STRING; VAR apiretval : BOOL; VAR newinfoline : STRING; BEGIN pathtotest := ''; apiretval := FALSE; newinfoline := ''; //Could be either; a DOS or LFN path (and file name) pathtotest := 'C:\Windows\System32\Kernel32.dll'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); //LFN path pathtotest := 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); //DOS path pathtotest := 'C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); //LFN path and file name pathtotest := 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.lnk'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); //DOS path and file name pathtotest := 'C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Paint.lnk'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'C:\'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'PROGRA~2'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'ProgramData'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'DOS?Name'; //Invalid DOS name, no suffix newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'DOSName.LFNExt'; //Valid DOS name, invalid, DOS suffix, overall length > 8 + 3 newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'DOS.Suffx'; //Valid DOS name, invalid DOS suffix, overall length <= 8 + 3 newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'DOSName.Ext'; //Valid DOS name and suffix newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'InvalidLFNFileName_>'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'ValidLFNFileNamePlusShortExt.txt'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); pathtotest := 'ValidLFNFileNamePlus.Extension'; newinfoline := 'PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ' + pathtotest; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); apiretval := PathIsLFNFileSpec(PChar(pathtotest)); IF apiretval THEN newinfoline := 'TRUE' ELSE newinfoline := 'FALSE'; Memo1.Lines.Add(newinfoline); Memo1.Lines.Add(''); //... and, Yeees, we do know what loops are END; |
The above code produces the following output: |
PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\Windows\System32\Kernel32.dll //Could be either; a DOS or LFN path (and file name) TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\Program Files\Common Files //LFN path TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1 //DOS path TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Paint.lnk //LFN path and file name TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Paint.lnk //DOS path and file name TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with C:\ FALSE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with PROGRA~2 FALSE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ProgramData TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with DOS?Name //Note the invalid character in the middle of the string FALSE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with DOSName.LFNExt TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with DOS.Suffx TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with DOSName.Ext FALSE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with InvalidLFNFileName_> //Note the invalid character that terminates the name TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ValidLFNFileNamePlusShortExt.txt TRUE PathIsLFNFileSpec called with ValidLFNFileNamePlus.Extension TRUE |
Requirements | |
Unit: | Declared and imported in (SST)ShlWAPI.pas |
Library: | (SST)ShlWAPI.dcu/(SST)ShlWAPI.obj |
Unicode: | Implemented as ANSI (PathIsLFNFileSpec and PathIsLFNFileSpecA) and Unicode (PathIsLFNFileSpecW) function. |
Min. ShlWAPI.dll version according to MS SDK doc.: | 5.0 |
Min. ShlWAPI.dll version based on SST research: | 5.0 |
Min. OS version(s) according to Microsoft SDK doc.: | Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5, Windows 98, Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5 |
Min. OS version(s) according to SST research.: | Windows NT 4.0 with IE 5, Windows 98, Windows 95 with IE 5, Windows 2000 |
See Also |
PathFindNextComponent. |
Windows APIs: PathFindNextComponent, PathIsLFNFileSpec, PathIsFileSpec, PathIsPrefix, PathIsRelative, PathIsUNC, PathIsURL, PathMatchSpec, PathMatchSpecEx, PathRemoveFileSpec. |
Document/Contents version 1.00 Page/URI last updated on 07.12.2023 |
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2010 - 2015 |
Suggestions and comments mail to: webmaster@stoelzelsoftwaretech.com |